THE DYNAMICS OF WAR AND REVOLUTION: Economic Origins of Conflict


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Book Details

Weight 16 oz





Reprint of 1940

The Author

Lawrence Dennis

A Study of the Hidden Economic Origins of Conflict – the capitalistic judgement that demands interminable industrial and market expansion to absorb excess goods created by debt-fueled economies, when bankers create money out of thin air, and lend it at interest, more money must be created to pay back the principal plus the interest. Industry must then feverishly produce more and more goods to pay off these debts and shore up the imaginary money with real assets. In times of peace, excess goods can be palmed off onto colonies, client states, and poor countries in the form of foreign aid and export surpluses. But there comes a time when the recipients can no longer take this “help” and the capitalist must look around for other ways to dispose of excessive production…WAR, the wasteful enterprise that it is, ….makes an ideal dumping ground!


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