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Book Details

Weight 64 oz

Hard cover with dust jacket, large 8.5"x11" format.





The Author

Ernst Gauss edit.

Theses & Dissertations Press, 2003 – History612 pages

The blockbuster anthology that struck Holocaust orthodoxy a body blow from which it has never recovered. “Dissecting” marshals the work of more than a dozen researchers to subject the conventional historiography of the “gas chambers,” the “six million,” the postwar trials, and other linchpins of the extermination story to careful, precise, methodical, and withering analysis. Germar Rudolf on how chemical analysis gravely weakens the case for gassing in the Auschwitz-Birkenau crematoria, Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana on the crematory ovens of Auschwitz, Robert Faurisson, Manfred Köhler, and Claus Jordan on how testimony was coerced and convictions manufactured, Fritz Berg, Ingrid Weckert, Carlo Mattogno, and Arnulf Neumaier on the technical and evidentiary absurdities of gassing claims for German trucks in gas chambers and at Majdanek and Treblinka, Udo Walendy and John Ball on analysis of photos alleged to depict the crimes or their locations, Rudolf on the evidence for Jewish losses during WWII, Jürgen Graf on myths about the concentration camps, and more. “Dissecting’s” handsome design and format lend themselves well to the numerous illustrations, charts, and diagrams with which these leading revisionists advance the wealth of evidence the book offers against the Holocaust myth. This is a book—the book—that everyone critically interested in the Holocaust needs to own, and to read.

Only one copy of rare book…new in shrink wrap – compare to eBay at $225 to $400!


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