A FIVE YEAR PLAN IN THE DIVINE ECONOMY: The Nature of the Divinely-Ordained Events

This study establishes the “periodic nature” of the two enormous comets which are dispatched by God to re-calibrate the tellurian motions and bring about other inexorably needed changes in our system. They were first analyzed in the Platonic Dialogues.


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Book Details

Weight 33 oz




Edition / Year


The Author

Helen Tzima Otto Ph.D.

Part One of Two – see A FIVE YEAR PLAN IN THE DIVINE ECONOMY: The Timing of the Divinely-Ordained Events for sequel. This study establishes the “periodic nature” of the two enormous comets which are dispatched by God to re-calibrate the tellurian motions and bring about other inexorably needed changes in our system. They were first analyzed in the Platonic Dialogues. It also establishes the correct meaning and implications of St. Peter’s “8th Noah”, and numerous other misinterpretations and mis-translations of Scriptural passages. What are the implications of the missing words of Our Lord from the Scriptures? What will happen to individual places named in the study due to the direct effects of the two enormous comets of our proximate future? and much more…


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