AMERICA’S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones

For 150 yrs, the Skull & Bones society of Yale University has been selecting 15 new members annually. Upon leaving Yale, these men become known to each other as – THE ORDER. Derived from secret documents of this society the author exposes who they are and what are their plans for the NEW WORLD ORDER-complete world domination through control from cradle to grave. This informative work will explain why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis; why the kids can’t read; why the Churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are suppressed; why politicians lie and hundreds of other whys.


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Book Details

Weight 13 oz



The Author

Antony C. Sutton

For 150 yrs, the Skull & Bones society of Yale University has been selecting 15 new members annually. Upon leaving Yale, these men become known to each other as – THE ORDER. Derived from secret documents of this society the author exposes who they are and what are their plans for the NEW WORLD ORDER-complete world domination through control from cradle to grave. This informative work will explain why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis; why the kids can’t read; why the Churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are suppressed; why politicians lie and hundreds of other whys.


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