THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE: and Its Use in the World Communist Offensive


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Book Details

Weight 4 oz

Stapled paperback




Reprint of 1947 edition

The Author

Robert H. Williams

The author exposes the true nature of this beast created out of B’nai B’rith, first in Germany in 1943, and then in America in 1913 in preparation for the Bolshevik takeover of Russia. They fling accusations of anti-Semitism at all that oppose them, although the ADL victim seldom is, but actually anti-Communist. The ADL is Internationalist, against nationalism and the sovereignty of the USA or any specific democracy and is bent on establishing a worldwide Zionist Occupied Government, placing like-minded Jews in preferential positions under the guise of “The Chosen People,” which is political Zionism as opposed to Religious (spiritual) Zionism. This ruthless Communist left-wing of the Jewish community created the Freiheit Plan, the program for unconditional control of Palestine at the expense of American blood and money. An important read, inform your political leaders.


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