“THE HOLOCAUST” A Catholic Inquiry


3 in stock

Book Details

Weight 17 oz





2022, second printing

The Author

Hugh Akins

This thought-provoking topic conjures up a hornet’s nest of feelings and opinions and those who naturally question (a sound thinking human trait) the “status quo” are often the subject of persecution and ruin. Behind nearly every “written” bit of history is an agenda and an attempt for personal gain by the author. The fact that the very idea of questioning the Holocaust is prohibited in some parts of the world should be a red flag for most reasonably thinking people. If mere opinions are being suppressed and policed then free society needs to stand up to injustice. Every element of history should be accessible for open dialogue and examination without the fear of reprisal. Nothing is fact unless the truth is borne out.

History is not history unless it is the truth – Abraham Lincoln


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