The author, born in Scranton, PA, was an American liberatarian author, journalist, editor of The Freedom and The Nation, and later a freelance journalist in New York City, and Brussels, Belgium, educational theorist and social critic. Nock was not opposed to Jeffersonian Republicanism, but the democracy and evil forces that subverted it; he had no kind words about the nation’s political system or process. He opposed all forms of a centralized, all-powerful government (as did our Founding Fathers) and their regulation, taxation and education (which are all planks of the Communist Manifesto), and that State’s degradation of society. He opposed war and was an outspoken opponent of Roosevelt and his “New Deal”.


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Weight 10 oz





2022 reprint of 1922

The Author

Albert Jay Nock

Compiled from articles originally published in The Freedom with the purpose of proving that the German Government was not solely guilty of bringing on World War One (and why) and also exposing the “public opinion and agenda shaping” media machine of the Allied Powers. Nock’s articles in The Nation were censored by President Wilson’s Administration because of its opposition to the war.

Also included are Nock’s articles Isaiah’s Job and Are All Men Human? Also included is Why We Do Not Behave Like Human Beings by Ralph Adams Cram.






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