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Weight 34 oz



The Author

Helen Tzima Otto Ph.D.

If we were to study carefully the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament), we would discover that it differs from the present Masoretic (Jewish) O.T. (edit note: which appeared later and was penned/altered (allegedly) by Rabbinic zealots after the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD. The author states that the O.T. prophets spoke of two royal messiahs from the House of David. One is, of course, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The other is, according to the Scriptures, a European Aristocrat of Royal Blood, whose mother’s line is of the House of David. He is the Great Monarch and the only Eschatological personage that satisfies simultaneously the constraints of all the prophecies from all sources; the prophecies of the Bible, Old and New Testaments, the Sybylline Oracles, all the prophecies of the last 2000 years emanating from Orthodox, Roman catholic and all other Christian sources, all the Hebrew prophecies outside the Bible, such as the Psalms of Solomon, the Scrolls of the Essenes found in Qumran, as well as later Jewish Apocalypse, such as the book of Zorobabel, and many others. Also covers the Eschatological prophetic significance regarding the Golden Gate in Jerusalem through which during WWIII the royal Messiah of the Jews will enter the fight under the banner depicting the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Never before could the relevant prophecies of Ezekiel and Isaiah on the subject of ‘the banner’ be properly understood. Not to mention St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans on the subject of the Deliverer of Zion and the conversion of the Jewish Nation. Last and not least, what are the eschatological references to the ‘Jews’ apply to? What should we know about the Karaites and Essenes connection regarding the remnant of the Hebrews? What should we know about the Dagestani origin of those mistakenly referred to as “Eastern-Jews’ today? Who are the legitimate Eastern Jews and how they differ from the former group and where are they now? 


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